
Holy Week has been its usual, arduous trek.  I shouldn’t whine, it was considerably harder for Jesus!  Connecting to that First Century World it very difficult, at least, impossible at most.

Understanding and taking in all the events, what meaning they have for us, what we can wrap our minds around, and what must be left for Spirit to interpret are all tough tasks.  Then, to try and give some cogent repsonse, commentary, or meaning for others seems beyond me, right now.  But it is done.

Tonight’s Easter Vigil was wonderful.  Tomorrow is Easter Day.  I am weary of homilizing.  Yet, I hope I’ll have something either worthwhile or very brief.  Better yet, both.

Happy Blessed Easter, one and all.

About Victor Mansfield

I'm mid-fifties, left-handed, right-brained, father of two, on a journey of surrender. Also, I'm an Episcopal priest, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher, NC.
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4 Responses to Easter

  1. David says:

    We had a glorious Easter Vigil tonight as well. We began at 8 pm and by the time we finished with the service and celebration with refreshments afterwards, the full moon was rising over the trees outside and could be seen (with much cheering) in the Undercroft as one of the children said, “Look, it’s the Light of Christ!” Have a glorious Easter Day, Vic, and a wonderful Easter season.

  2. Gerry says:

    Welcome Back and Happy Easter…I doubled yesterday as Worship Leader/Lay Reader and Master of Ceremonies at our new Rector (June 2011)’s first Easter Vigil. It was small (51) including Choristers (18) and Chancel Party (5). This was our first Vigil in perhaps ever. No one can recall one with Choir, Bells, etc. The only reference I’ve found was to Tenebrae on Holy Saturday in the past.
    We were very much out of the Protestant wing; the 9th Rector was low church, the Interim was Broad Church and the 10th Rector who admits to being Broad Church is really Anglo-Catholic lite, while being radically inclusive
    The organ had been upgraded during Epiphany and early Lent to its original configuration and design specs; and last night rocked with two new anthems, and treasures of 20th C Church Repertoire. Even at full throat the Choristers kept everything in balance. It was moving, exhilarating and awesome.
    Take some time to come down.

  3. Larry Furmann says:

    I have been following your journey through your blog. I was “introduced” to you through David B. from Friday Harbor…he is a good on line friend. On Good Friday, my partner and I took his 10 year old son to our church’s interactive service. He has basically no religious background or training except what he gets by going to church with Papaw (partner) and Paw (me). He saw the journey of Jesus from the Last Supper to His Crucifixion for the first time. He held a crown of thorns; touched a cross that had nails pounded into it; he smelled a wine that could be similar to that given to Jesus on the cross; he touched nails; he held a bag containing 30 pieces of silver; he held a Scripture. All of this through the eyes and ears and other senses of a 10 year old who had not been told the story. What wonder and awe he and we experienced through his novice experience. He spoke with our pastor after the service and went on a brief tour of the Stations of the Cross in our Sanctuary with our pastor. He talked to both of us at great length during his weekend stay with us. He watched a Hollywood version of the Holy Week experience. He ran to tell his parents about what he saw and heard, when he was taken home.

    We were truly blessed by being present to this excitement and wonderment. I saw Good Friday in a new and marvelously ageless way due to his experience, shared with us. Our pastor included this excitement in his Easter message to our church family. You may need to return to the wonderment of your youth to absorb all that you have experienced on your recent journey to Africa and into your spirit. We have been told a child shall lead them…often I find it is the inner child who leads me.

    Peace and wonderment!

    Larry Furmann
    Paducah, KY

  4. Frank says:

    It was a glorious Easter here in the Hampton Roads area! the church was filled completely, as it usually is on Easter Sunday. I only wish I had gone to a Sunrise service! Blessings to yopu. i hope your taking some time this week to recharge. Remember the importance of self care.

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